The GVMA is proceeding with our plans to improve the water and sewer service to the Glendale Yearound. The next step in this improvement will be the construction of interconnections to a new water source and sewage treatment plant.
It will provide a new water source by connecting the Yearound system to the new White Township system, which in turn will be served by water from the Reade Township Municipal Authority. While this project will require a large capital expenditure, in the long run, it will help keep costs low by eliminating the expensive process that is now used to treat the Yearound well water. Most importantly, it will provide a much higher quality source of water for Yearound residents.
The project will also eliminate the existing Yearound sewage treatment plant, which has reached the end of its serviceable life. As with the water interconnection, there will be an initial capital expense, but for the long term a new treatment plant will provide lower operation and maintenance costs. It will also do a much better job of treating sewage before it is discharged into area streams providing better protection for the health and safety of Glendale area residents.
The GVMA has acquired $4 million in low interest loans from USDA-RD to design and build this interconnection project. We have also applied for a $4 million grant from state funds. If the grant is approved, the loan will be unnecessary. We plan to go to bid for this project late this summer with construction taking about one year to complete. Our current projection is that the new water and sewer systems will go on line in the late fall of 2011.