GVMA Yearound Billing Structure
We have received numerous inquiries about the GVMA billing structure in the Yearound. Current rates are $69/month for home sites and improved camp sites, and $46/month for camp sites. Here are a few facts about the billing structure to help you better understand how your bill is calculated.
- Because the Glendale Water and Sewer Companies built the system with no meters we must rely on a flat rate billing system. While this is not the best system, it is a necessary evil at this point. Plans are currently in development that may provide for the installation of water meters for Yearound customers.
- You may recall that the Glendale Yearound Water and Sewer Companies charged for vacant lots in their billing structure. Upon purchasing the companies the GVMA immediately began to eliminate the billing on vacant, secondary lots and as of October of 2010 vacant, secondary lots are no longer billed for water and sewer service.
- We maintained the 2/3 ratio that has been used to determine the billing rate for camp sites. This ratio takes into account that camp sites have frost free hydrants instead of underground taps and therefore have a different level of service.
- Because of the increasing number of people living in the campground area and others upgrading their camp sites far beyond their original condition, we have had to adjust our billing policies for those sites. Camp sites are billed at the home site rate if any of the following conditions apply.
- If the camp site serves as a mailing address.
- If the camp site has an underground water tap.
- If the camp site has a frost free hydrant that is winterized to allow for twelve-month use.
- GVMA has moved from a quarterly billing to a monthly billing. This is one of the most requested suggestions that came from our customers after purchasing the system. This allows our customers to better budget for their water and sewer bills and it also allows us to have a more regular and consistent cash flow.
- GVMA is upgrading the frost-free hydrants in the campground area. Rather than two or three lots sharing a frost-free hydrant, as is now the case, each lot will have its own frost-free hydrant. This upgrade is being done by attrition. That is, when a frost-free hydrant needs replaced, it will be replaced with a new hydrant on each lot. If a single frost-free is replaced, the cost is $500. If multiple frost-frees are replaced at the same location, the cost is $400 each.
As always, if you have any questions about these policies you are welcome to contact our office by phone or e-mail. You are also welcome to attend the regular monthly meetings of the GVMA Board of Directors, which are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the White Township/GVMA building located at 1800 Beaver Valley Road, Flinton, PA.